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  • Writer's pictureJasmine Law



Mood is a visual art piece that is created via Unity, using their 3D platform. It is more of a personal visual art game that displays the different moods that I experience from day to day. The audio and visual effects are used in a way to implement a feeling in the player. It can be considered as an exploration game where there is no set path that the users have to take.


A movie that really resonated with me was Inside Out. It was a movie about a 11 year old kid's emotions. Each emotion was portrayed with different colors and personalities. I wanted to create a visual piece that was similar to this but with music and visuals instead. When watching Inside Out, I learned a lot about how after a certain age, your emotions tend to mesh together. Where you can feel both happy and nervous at the same time, or angry and sad, not just one emotion anymore.

Nowadays, people don't know how to explain how they feel in words because it's a combinations of various emotions. Even I am a victim of this, I might say A but really mean B. That's why I decided to create a visual piece to explain how I the different moods that I feel from time to time. I find it a lot easier to portray my emotions through visuals or music instead of just text.


For technical references, I used Unity's Roll-A-Ball tutorial to create the camera controller and player movement script. I also used various YouTube videos and Unity forums to figure out the scene triggers and jump movements.

The script that allowed my camera to focus into the GameObject, in this case which is my planets:


I currently still don't like the way the camera follows the player, and I wanted to create separate cameras for different scenes. One of the scenes has a camera animation that came with the asset, and I am going to look into how to create that animation for the other scenes. I'm not entirely sure if I want to set the camera path as static, because then it would be more cinematic as opposed to interactive.

The next steps that I am going to take for my project is add a main menu to the game, so you can exit the platform without having to "alt-tab." In addition to that, I want to mess around with the unity particle system more as well as the shaders. I want to implement a shader that makes a cube look like a portal, and show the scene of the next planet inside the cube.

Visual Documentation:

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